OIL & GAS Pipelines and piping systems have been used to transport oil & gas for over 200 years. Today, developing onshore and offshore oil & gas systems are more challenging than ever before.Offshore oil & gas systems are being developed with greater water depths, higher pressures and temperatures, and...
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Corrosive and hazardous fluids are commonly transferred from point to point using pipelines and piping systems. Double containment piping systems are one of the most economical and reliable methods for protecting the environment from leaks caused by carrier pipe failures. Government regulations and an increased concern for the...
DOUBLE CONTAINMENT Double containment piping systems are economical and reliable methods for protecting against leaks of corrosive or hazardous fluids caused by failure of the primary carrier pipe. When appropriately designed, a double piping system can have a longer service life with significant cost savings and superior environmental protection. A...
FABRICATED STEEL MANHOLES Fabricated steel manholes are installed underground to provide access to control valves, piping systems, and other equipment that frequently require observation, inspection, cleaning, and maintenance.PERMA-PIPE offers custom, watertight prefabricated steel manholes to reduce installation and life-cycle maintenance costs over traditional concrete manholes. They are fully assembled and tested...
STEAM DISTRIBUTION Steam energy distribution systems are designed to provide energy solely for facility heating requirements. They are suitable where energy has to travel great distances such as in systems with scattered building locations or where the building height would result in excessive pressure in a water system. Efficient energy...
CHILLED & HOT WATER District heating and cooling are very efficient systems to provide heating and cooling to commercial and industrial facilities. Chilled and hot water is the most common medium used in these systems to transfer energy from its source to consumers and pre-insulated piping systems are the key...
DISTRICT ENERGY WORLD-CLASS ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS TO DELIVER SUSTAINABILITY IN DISTRICT ENERGY SYSTEMS District heating and cooling are very efficient systems to provide heating and cooling to both commercial and industrial facilities. Steam, hot and chilled water is the standard medium used in these piping systems to transfer energy from its source...