Our commitment to Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) governs everything that we do, at all times.


Our principles, vision, and commitment to health, safety, and the environment are set down in our HSE policy. These policy guides are our day-to-day operations and actions and serves as an important benchmark for evaluating and improving our performance.

Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Policy

PERMA-PIPE is committed to the health and safety of our employees and the protection of the natural environment through the reduction and prevention of pollution, conservation of energy, and conservation of natural resources.

Our HSE goals are;

  • No work related injuries
  • No damage to the environment
  • Meet or exceed applicable HSE laws, regulations, compliance obligations and customer requirements
  • Continuous improvement of our HSE programs and performance

To meet our commitment, we will;

  • Promote a culture where personal safety is a value
  • Promote a culture where production and convenience never take precedence over safety
  • Promote a culture where no injury is acceptable and that all injuries can be prevented
  • Provide education, training, and information to our employees which enables them to protect themselves, their co-workers, and the environment
  • Promote a no-blame culture where all employees are expected and encouraged to openly bring up issues or raise concerns about their own safety, and the safety of their co-workers
  • Develop and implement HSE policies, programs, and procedures that enable the elimination of safety hazards and the prevention of incidents
  • Provide a workplace environment where;
    • Health and safety comes first
    • Prevention of incidents is prioritized
    • All employees are involved and responsible and accountable for safety
    • Employees are consulted and participate in the HSE program
    • Work can be stopped by any employee if unsafe conditions exist or are identified
  • Investigate all incidents to determine root causes so that preventative and corrective actions can be taken
  • Establish HSE performance objectives, measure results, and conduct periodic reviews of this policy and our HSE programs to evaluate its effectiveness and identify continuous improvement opportunities
  • Reduce, recycle, and reuse waste where practicable and dispose of all waste in accordance with applicable laws and regulations
  • Promote the reduction of energy consumption in all our activities